Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow in Houston!

Never thought I'd see the day!
This past Wednesday night it was snowing here in Houston!
It actually stuck to the ground too!
It was so pretty and it finally made it feel like Christmas!
On our street!
Self portrait of me and the snow!
Ben wasn't feeling well!

Plant in front of our house...
I know you Michiganders aren't too impressed...
but it was still cool to see it here in Texas!


Emily said...

Hey big em, We have snow to!! our school was canceled for 2 days and then we have x-mas break for 2 weeks!!hey u should see my blog... i took over for my mom :) (she says hi)
luv ya little em

thesscurry said...

I remember when it snowed in SC while we lived there... it was awesome!