Sunday, March 2, 2008

Preliminary Un-Crap (I'm a teacher now, I can make up words...right?)

So the deal on the housing issue....

Yesterday we began moving out of our apartment. We are about a week early, but in the short time since all our plans had come to an end. God showed us another house that we both happened to like better. Pending tomorrow's inspections we'll close on March 7th and move into our new house.

Once again, Nate and Brooke's house is home to the majority of our personal items, and near the end of the will be home to us as well. This time, hopefully, for only a few days as we hope to move in on Saturday!

This new house is actually in Friendswood, a bit south and tad east of where we are currently, but still in the area and close enough for both Emily and I to make the drive in the direction of work throughout the week.

Thanks for all the checking in on us. It's great to know that our friends still care about us from miles away. We are sooooooooooooooooo looking forward to all the visits in the upcoming months.


Craig said...

Michelle, Kylah and I can't wait to crash your crib! Can't wait for WARM weather.

Wibbelers said...

Can't wait to see you guys in a month and see the new place!!!! We miss you guys!!

Sarah said...

I like the new word... it describes so many things! I heard that you really did close and move in on Emily's birthday?! Wahoo!

A. Holtvlüwer said...

Wish you the best in your new appartment.

Jack's far cousin from The Netherlands,

Betrick Holtvlüwer.